Media Studies
Staff List and HOD Names
Miss K McArdle - Head of Department
Mr J McCormick
Aims of Department
This is a hands-on course which teaches the technical skills necessary to produce motion pictures as well as animated sequences. It is an exciting, innovative and enjoyable subject but it requires hard work and dedication.
During the course pupils will learn to:
develop an understanding of film language in both theory and practice
develop ideas through investigating and experimenting with filmmaking techniques and processes
develop the ability to manage resources and equipment in relation to film production
produce moving image artworks
develop technical competence in the use of filmmaking techniques
evaluate the effectiveness of their own practice.
We are very fortunate to have three Mac suites which have been specifically designed for MIA students. On each computer there are a variety of programs designed to aid the production of professional looking films. In addition, we have a considerable number of DSLR cameras, tripods and lighting kits to ensure our students have access to all the necessary materials.
Outline of Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5
Key Stage 4
GCSE Moving Image Arts
This is a vocational GCSE comprising of 60% Controlled Assessment and 40% Online Examination. An outline of the three components involved in this linear specification (all components are submitted or completed at the end of Year 12) are provided below.
Component 1 – Critical Understanding of Creative and Technical Moving Image Production
Compulsory External Online Examination
40% of entire GCSE
Completed at the end of Year 12
Range of previously unseen audio and visual stimuli and short film sequences;
Questions that assess knowledge and understanding of film language, practices, techniques and contexts;
Scenario-based questions that assess creative and production management skills; and
Questions that assess analysis and evaluation of film language, audience and purpose
1 hour 30 minutes
Component 2 – Acquisition of Skills in Moving Image Production
Compulsory controlled assessment tasks
20% of entire GCSE
Completed in Year 11
Students complete four tasks that are set by CCEA including:
Camera and Editing;
Sound; and
Component 3 – Planning and Making a Moving Image Product
Compulsory controlled assessment portfolio
40% of entire GCSE
Completed in Year 12
Students produce a live-action or animated film portfolio from a selection of genre-specific production briefs provided by CCEA. The portfolio must include:
A research analysis;
Preproduction material;
A completed moving image product (2 minutes in length); and
An evaluation
Here is a link to CCEA MIA Microsite should you wish to find out any further information http://ccea.org.uk/movingimagearts/​
Key Stage 5
Moving Image Arts at AS and A2 level is a considerable step up from GCSE. Pupils now have full creative control over the films that they make. They are expected to write, plan, direct and edit their own short film. This requires creativity, excellent organisational, time management and people skills not to mention the perseverance and determination to see their project to completion. These skills will aid our pupils to excel in any field of work.
We currently offer CCEA’s Moving Image Arts specifications and the units are as follows:
Here is a link to CCEA MIA Microsite should you wish to find out any further information http://ccea.org.uk/movingimagearts/
Career Opportunities
There are a wide variety of careers available to any MIA student should he/she wish to pursue a career in this field.
Set Designer
Camera Operator
Sound Designer
However, as an MIA student you will find you will develop a range of team-working, organisational and problem-solving skills that are valued in any career path you choose to follow.
Additional Information
The Media Department offers a Junior Animation Club as an extracurricular activity.
Career Information and Guidance
Local University Courses
Local Further Education Courses
https://www.belfastmet.ac.uk/courses/?keyword=media https://www.belfastmet.ac.uk/courses/?keyword=film https://www.serc.ac.uk/search/courses?q=film
What can I do with my degree?
Labour Market Information
https://icould.com/stories/using-lmi-careers-decisions/ - can be used by all departments
Careers Information
https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/careers - can be used by all departments
Job Finder
https://www.nijobfinder.co.uk/ - can be used by all departments
https://www.workplus.app/ - can be used by all departments
https://www.cao.ie/courses.php?bb=courses - can be used by all departments
Careers and Options in Media