Ms Emma McCully,
Learning and Support Coordinator
Key Stage 3
Mrs Caoimhe Coyle,
Learning and Support Coordinator
Key Stage 4 and 5
Our Vision
Inspired by the 5 elements of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust Charter, All Saints College endeavours to support all children in reaching their full potential, regardless of any barriers they may face. This is the core vision and driving force in outlining the components of this policy. As a non-selective, all ability, inclusive school we aim to identify and remove the barriers to learning that children entrusted to our care may face so that they make excellent progress commensurate or in excess of their current levels of attainment and perceived ability. We believe that meeting the needs of all learners is the responsibility of every teacher, in every classroom.
In All Saints College we are committed to providing a supportive learning environment for all of our students. As a school we believe that every child matters. All children have different experiences in life. Sometimes children need help to make the appropriate educational progress.
What does SEN mean?
SEN stands for ‘Special Educational Needs’. It means that your child is experiencing some difficulty, at this time, and action needs to be taken.
Your child may have difficulties in one or more of these areas:
Learning (e.g. With reading or maths)
Communication (e.g. speech and language difficulties, autism)
Behaviour (e.g. lack of focus in class, emotional difficulties, withdrawn behaviour)
Sensory or physical (e.g. a hearing or visual impairment)
SEN Support
The school will use a number of ways to identify pupils with SEN, if your child has an additional difficulty or need, there will be an ongoing process of assessment, planning and review. Pupils identified as having learning difficulties may, when appropriate:
Be placed in smaller class groupings
Receive differentiated lessons according to individual needs
Receive outreach from external support agencies, for example, St Gerard’s outreach or SPSS
Receive in-class support from highly trained assistants
Receive additional literacy/ numeracy support in small groups
‘Safe space’ in mornings, break and lunchtime for pupils who have specific social difficulties
A dedicated Learning and guidance facility on site to support pupils
SEN Team
It is important that everyone works in partnership to support your child and help them to reach their potential. The main people who can help your child are:
You (his parent or carer)
Form teacher or subject teachers
the SEN Team in All Saints College
Depending on your child’s needs, other people may later be involved in assessing or supporting your child, for example:
a teaching assistant (learning support assistant or learning mentor)
specialists such as an educational psychologist, speech and language therapist
The Local Authority if your child needs a statement, or if he has a statement.
Contact Us
If you have any concerns about your child you must make contact with the school by telephone or letter or make an appointment to come in to see the SEN team, Tel: 028 90808050. Alongside a team of highly trained and experienced classroom assistants, the SEN Team will ensure that your child is fully supported in all of their needs.
EA SEN Annual Review (11/22)
​Please download the latest SEN Annual Review from EA.
EA Connect Parent User Guide (11/22)
For the parents of pupils with a Statement of Educational Need.
The EA has launched the digital returns for SEN Annual Reviews through the EA Connect portal. In preparation for the Annual Review meetings next term, parents will now be able to complete their parental and pupil contribution forms using the EA Connect portal.
Please ensure All Saints College have your most current email address on the system.
Further useful information for parents with user guides and support materials can be accessed at:
For further information or support please email
Many thanks, SEN Team at All Saints College
Latest SEN Code guidance (09/21)
​Please download the latest SEN Codes and information from EA.