Staff List and HOD Names
Mr C Mervyn – Head of Department
Mr C Toal
Mr N Banks
Mr S Hawkins
Mrs A Wallace
Mr D McGivern
Mr L Watson
Mrs S Cunningham
Aims of Department
The Careers Department in All Saints College continues to develop a wide range of innovative strategies to encourage every pupil within our school community to take ownership of his / her own individual career plan. A dedicated Careers Team has been built up within the school and strong links have been forged with local employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities. We strive to help our pupils and their parents to make informed decisions about subject choices and future career pathways. The aims of the Careers programme at All Saints College are:
To develop employability and enterprise skills, including teamwork and communication.
To help students to plan and take control of their future making informed choices at key points in their education.
To provide students with the relevant careers inspiration and guidance that is suitable to their personal needs including age, ability, attitudes and aptitudes.
To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities post 16 and post 18 including apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, Higher Education, Further Education, employment and training opportunities.
To help students reflect on their abilities, skills, aptitudes and attitudes, so that they can use this knowledge to consider their own personal development.
To provide students with impartial advice, in partnership with the Careers Service, about the options that are available to them.
To provide our students with up-to-date Labour Market Information
To provide equal opportunity of access to careers inspiration and guidance.
To develop positive attitudes in our pupils towards study and work.
Outline of Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5
Key Stage 3
Development of employability skills lessons are delivered at Key Stage 3 through LLW. Employability lessons and opportunities, in relation to career progression within departments, are also provided in subject areas and through the Pastoral Programme. Particular emphasis is placed on:
Introduction to Employability
Working in the Local and Global Community
Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Skills
Option Choices for KS4
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4 students receive one period of Careers Education each week. Key Stage 4 students cover the following topics:
Careers education
Careers information
Careers advice and guidance
Work related learning
Labour Market Information
Development of employability skills
The Department also offers the OCN NI Level 2 Employability Skills Award.
Key Stage 5
In Key Stage 5 students receive two periods of Careers Education each week. Post 16 students:
Research various third-level education options. These include: universities in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, the USA and Continental Europe; Apprenticeships and Company School Leavers’ Programmes; Belfast Met and SERC; CAFRE; Institutes of Technology in the Republic of Ireland; Business Start-Ups; and Gap Years.
Revise and update their CV
Prepare for mock interviews
Participate in the opportunities offered by the West Belfast Area Learning Cluster that includes University Open Days and Employment fairs
Research Labour Market Information
Benefit from a wide range of visiting speakers
Formally plan and report on their work placement
Compose a Personal Statement
Receive training in applying through UCAS
Students have access to on-going careers advice offered by the Careers Department and by the Careers Service
The Department also offers the OCN NI Level 2 Employability Skills Award.
Career Opportunities
The Careers Department offers a wide range of opportunities, to our Key Stage 4 and 5 students, to sample a range of different career opportunities particularly through our links with the Business in the Community organisation. Key Stage 4 and 5 students are afforded the opportunity to sample the world of work through specific work placements. This placement provides a worthwhile insight into a working environment.
Additional Information
Careers Service
Apprenticeship Providers
Local Further and Higher Education
Is the official, authoritative source of information and guidance on higher education in the UK.
It is designed to support prospective students in deciding whether, where and what to study.
Discover Uni provides supportive information and guidance about the different options for studying. It helps prospective students make sense of all the information out there by linking to other quality resources and explaining what they can find where. It also allows users to search for and compare information and data for individual undergraduate courses across the UK.